Parents Hand book


I should like to extend a warm welcome to all students and their parents who are now starting the new academic year 2015-2016.

Our school values close and frequent contact – both official and social – with all our parents.  Educational programs are achieved to the greatest success when objectives are shared and full co-operation exists between home and school.  The school aims to develop the character of each individual boy or girl, and it particularly seeks to promote in all its pupils a generosity of spirit, together with high motivation and full commitment to all that they do in school.  We look to the building of happy and constructive relationships both within and outside our school community.

The school is dedicated to the promotion of strong study habits and personal organization which lead to good academic results. Successful academic study, however, is only one of our goals.  The school is particularly keen to encourage sports.

Good discipline and behaviour are expected at all times.  Anti-social behaviour, such as bullying and discrimination, will not be tolerated.

We believe that a broadly based education offers a wide variety of opportunities for the development of abilities in both academic and extra curricular terms.  Our ultimate aim is to establish the firm foundations which will enable our pupils confidently to take up the work and leisure challenges of adult life.

I very much hope that our students will find their time here stimulating, fulfilling and memorable, and I wish them every success in their time at Pioneers Int. School.

Dina Bishara

Head of Elementary School

Sep. 2010.



Pupils may not be absent from School, except through illness or for compassionate reasons, unless a permission is obtained, not less than three days beforehand.

If a pupil is ill (or absent for compassionate reasons), please inform the Head of Elementary school’s Secretary’s office.

If he/she is absent for 3 days or less without prior consent, please send a note to the Form Teacher stating the reason.

If he/she is absent for more than 3 days without prior consent, a doctor’s certificate is required.

Those who become ill during the school day must report to the Form teacher who will report to the school nurse.

No pupils are allowed to go home without permission from the Headmistress of the Elementary School.

If children are unable to play sport, parents must send in a sick note for the attention of the member of staff in charge of the sport.


Homework is important because it is at the intersection between home and school. It serves as a window through which you can observe your children’s education and express positive attitudes towards your children and their education. As children grow older, homework and the amount of time engaged in homework, increases in importance. For teachers and administrators, homework is a cost effective way to provide additional instruction in practice.

Pupils are issued with homework diaries in which to record their prep tasks on a daily basis. Parents are asked to check these diaries and to sign them on a weekly basis.

Work done at home is obviously an essential element of the studying process. As such a much greater responsibility is placed on the pupil to organize his/her prep and time during the course of a week, at home.



The school year is divided into two terms running from autumn to summer. The school year consists of 180 days. There will be tests after each midterm. Midterm is out of 40%. Final exams will be held at the end of each term. Final exams are out of 60%. Quizzes and pop tests are held all through the academic year. Make up tests are held at the end of July.


At the end of each term a report is sent home with both effort and attainment information.  In the summer term end of year examination results are recorded.  The 6th Graders receive their last report at the end of the Spring Term after their Government exams results come in.

Heads of School read and comment on each school report and should be the first point of contact to discuss a report further. The Head of Elementary School is also happy to answer any questions relating to options, academic reporting and assessment.



These are held to provide an opportunity for parents and pupils to discuss with individual staff pupil progress in individual subjects.



At Pioneers Int. School, our community is based upon respect, good manners and fair play. We are committed to providing a safe and caring environment that is free from disruption, violence and any form of harassment so that every one of our pupils can develop his/her full potential. We expect our pupils to treat members of staff with courtesy and co-operation so hat they can learn in a relaxed but orderly atmosphere. All pupils should care for and support each other.

Parents/guardians have an important role in supporting Pioneers School in maintaining high standards of behaviour. It is essential that school and homes have consistent expectations of behaviuor and that they co-operate closely together.

Bullying, harassment,  and discrimination will not be tolerated. We treat all our pupils and their parents fairly and with consideration and we expect them to reciprocate towards each other, the staff and the school. Any kind of bullying is unacceptable.

The School aims to prevent bullying and to deal effectively with bullying if it does occur. We shall do this by:


maintaining an environment characterized by warmth, positive regard and mutual respect, so that bullying will be less likely:

raising awareness of bullying through the curriculum and other activities:

having a clear Rewards and Sanctions Policy and School Rules for pupils:

developing effective strategies for recognising and supporting victims of bullying and for recognising and dealing with bullies:

ensuring that all staff know what to do if they come across bullying, that they treat incidents seriously and that they are consistent in their approach:

assuring parents and pupils that all reports of bullying will be treated seriuosly.



The cost of providing all text books is included in the fees.   The text books are loaned to pupils by the School. Any loss or damage will be charged for, according to the condition of the book when issued.

No pupil is under an obligation to participate in any activity involving extra expense without prior parental agreement.  Theatre visits, and similar School organized outings are the financial responsibility of parents.



Parents are asked to complete the Confidential Health Questionnaire and Medical Consent Form enclosed with this booklet in respect of all new pupils and to return it to the Form teacher.

Dispensary Room:  This facility is available throughout the school day, from 9.00am-3.00pm, and the service is supervised by Mrs. Shewekar the school nurse.

Pupils who are already sick should not be sent to school.

Those who become ill during the school day must report to the Headmistress of the Elementary School.

No pupils are allowed to go home without permission of the School Nurse and the Headmistress. Parents will be notified.

If children are unable to play sport, parents must send in a sick note for the attention of the member of the Sports Staff team.



We ask all parents to provide us with telephone numbers and other information for use in case of illness or accident.  Enclosed with this booklet you will find an ‘Information for Emergencies’ form which you are asked to complete and send the following day with your child to be given to the Form teacher. It is important that we should have this within the few first days of school.  In case of change of address or telephone number please notify the school and send the new information with your son or daughter to be given to the form teacher.  It is important that changes of address and/or telephone numbers are forwarded to the school as soon as possible so that our records are kept up-to-date.



The school encourages children to develop healthy eating habits. We start teaching our students about foods as early as play school. As sugary food is bad for their health, and can be stored as fat, and aggravates diabetes, the school would like to encourage the students with the help of their parents to choose some fruits and vegetables instead of unhealthy choices like sweets and crisps. If they learn to eat a well-balanced diet, they will live a much healthier life.



All pupils are also allocated a book locker in or adjacent to their class rooms.

Pupils are responsible for providing their own locks for these lockers. All pupils are required to make use of  book lockers in order to reduce the weight of items carried in school bags and to minimise the risk of items being lost or stolen.



We strongly urge parents not to send expensive items ex. school bags and contents, mobile phones, watches, calculators, PSPs and any electronic sets with their children to school.

All school items should be named so that if they are lost, can easily be retrieved.  Parents are strongly advised to discourage pupils from bringing high value items or large sums of money into school.


Clothing and Appearance

Pupils are expected to take pride in a smart appearance and must follow School dress regulations, appropriate to their age group. These apply during normal school hours, on the way to and from School and when pupils are members of representative teams. Pupils must be clean and tidily dressed at all times. The chewing of gum is not permitted.

No jewellery should be worn. Girls may wear matching single stud gold or silver earrings in pierced ears. Pupils should not dye their hair so that their natural hair colour is obviously affected, and eccentrically styled hair or make-up are not allowed. Boys hair should be off the collar and for girls, hair below shoulder length should be tied back.



Pupils must look after their own property, including books and equipment lent by the School, by having their name on it and keeping it secure at all times. Large sums of money or valuables should not be brought into school. Money and personal items which are brought in must not be left unattended anywhere on school premises and if carried on school trips must be safe guarded. Certain valuables, such as media players or mobile phones, must be carefully looked after as the school is not responsible of such personal items. Pupils who bring mobiles into school must have all their functions switched off during registrations, assemblies and lessons.

Borrowing people’s property without their permission is not allowed. Any incident will be treated as a serious breach of School rules.

Any damage to School property must be reported at once to a member of staff. Deliberate damage to the property of the School or of other people is a serious offence.

Pupils are expected to show concern for the appearance of the School. Litter should not be dropped in classrooms or in the play area. Pupils should refrain from eating in corridors or classrooms.

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